NASA has identified one toxic groundwater site at the Kennedy Space Center that exceeds federal standards for the same chemicals that people in the Satellite Beach area fear contributed to increase cancer risk.
Kennedy Space Center plans to test its groundwater next year to determine the scope of pollution and to be ready to react quickly when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issues new groundwater target cleanup levels for the chemicals, NASA's environmental officials said in a response to questions from FLORIDA TODAY.

The cancer concerns reemerged when an oncologist and cancer survivor who grew up in Brevard County, Dr. Julie Greenwalt, recently began questioning whether her illness and other local cancers were the result of exposures to chemical pollution in either drinking water or irrigation wells.
The two chemicals of most concern, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), were until a few years ago widely used in fire extinguishing foams, including at Patrick Air Force Base and at Kennedy Space Center.
Scientists aren't sure what levels of the chemicals are harmful but have been finding the compounds in the blood and tissues of alligators, dolphins and other wildlife at and near KSC for years.
A paper published last year in the journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry found blood of alligators caught between 2012 and 2015 at the space center KSC tested at the highest levels of toxic fluorinated chemicals ever measured in the species.
More: Click here to read the Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry article
In a separate study, published in the journal Chemosphere last year, biologist Russ Lowers and his colleagues found alligators with some of the highest plasma flourinated compounds were caught next to the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) fire house, as well as the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout (O&C) retention pond.
More: Click here to read the Chemosphere article
The study provided yet more proof of widespread contamination from the same compounds fueling cancer fears in Satellite Beach and Cocoa Beach. The most recent revelation that mullet harbor the toxins in their flesh further strengthens the case that the fish that lagoon dolphins (and people) eat are of concern as well.
More: Cancer-causing compounds found in alligators, dolphins at Kennedy Space Center
More: Cancer mystery: 20 cases pop up among Satellite High grads within years of each other
More: Satellite Beach finds cancer-causing chemicals in groundwater
Here is NASA's response to my questions about the findings in wildlife and ongoing cleanup efforts at KSC.
QUESTION: Please quantify the scope of cleanup of PFOS/PFOA at Kennedy Space Center. How many sites have been identified for cleanup of these substances? What’s the estimated volume of these substances in the ground?
NASA: A single groundwater site has been identified as exceeding the EPA Health Advisory Level of 70 parts per trillion for PFOS and PFOA. The extent of the groundwater contamination is currently under investigation.

Q: I understand that many sites at KSC and CCAFS (Cape Canaveral Air Force Station) that were already cleaned up will now have to be revisited to meet new EPA cleanup target levels. Is there an estimate of how many sites will have to be remediated again to meet the new PFOS/PFOA standards and what it might cost?
NASA: The EPA has never established a cleanup target level for PFOS/PFOA, only a Health Advisory Level. KSC’s efforts are now focused on a proactive sampling effort to confirm the presence or absence of these chemicals on center property. Confirmation sampling is expected to begin in FY2019 and will enable Kennedy to quickly respond to new requirements, if and when they are enacted. Information on Air Force remediation sites should be addressed to their Restoration Office.
Q: Are there any ongoing or planned studies of these compounds in the wildlife at KSC/Merritt Island Refuge? If so, please describe.
NASA: While wildlife research regarding PFOS/PFOA has been performed at NASA KSC, the center is not conducting any such projects at this time.
Waymer is environment reporter at FLORIDA TODAY.
Contact Waymer at 321-242-3663
Twitter: @jwayenviro
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More: Cancer-linked chemicals found at Cocoa Beach golf course
More: What's the definition of a cancer cluster?
More: Cocoa Beach expands probe for cancer-linked chemicals
Read Again NASA: Toxic chemicals exceed limit at one site; confirmation sampling expected : Berita Ini
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