
Today Is NASA's 60th Anniversary: Here's How To Locate NASA's Flagship Spacecraft In The Night Sky

Can you pinpoint the location of the Voyager spacecraft, and NASA's other probes, in the night sky?NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA, which became operational 60 years ago today, has a massive mission history. In the sixty years since it was founded, the U.S. space agency has sent up over 1,000 unmanned missions into Earth orbit or beyond, and over 200 manned flights.

So where are they?

If you go outside on a clear night it's possible to see the exact area of the solar system where the surviving spacecraft are. In some case they've long crashed and been destroyed; Cassini at Saturn, for example, which was last seen in September 2017. However, the locations of NASA's flagship interplanetary space missions like Voyager 1 and 2, Pioneer 10 and 11, and New Horizons can all easily be found in the night sky.

The relative positions of NASA's distant spacecraft.NASA/JPL-Caltech

Why find NASA spacecraft in the night sky? 

You can't see any of these spacecraft – they are way too small and far away. However, looking at the night sky with your 'mind's eye' next time you're stargazing will give you a powerful new perspective on the night sky as not as a 'blanket of stars', but as a place with geography that can be navigated and known. There is human history out there that will long outlive humans. So here's where it all is.

Where is Voyager 1?

Launch date: September 1977

Constellation: Ophiuchus

Best time to see Ophiuchus: July and August (but still visible in October)

Can you find the location of the most distant man-made object in the night sky? The probe left Earth 41 years ago last month on its way to photographing Jupiter in 1979 and Saturn in 1980, but its flyby of Saturn’s moon, Titan came at great cost. To get to Titan meant a new trajectory that took it out of the solar system. It's now 13.3 billion miles from Earth and has exited the solar system. And it's still nowhere near as far as any of the stars you can see.

You can find its location by finding the Summer Triangle (visible overhead after dusk in October). Voyager 1 is about halfway between the Summer Triangle and the western horizon, near the star Rasalhague at the tip of the 'hat' of the constellation of Ophiuchus, but actually just below Ras Algethi in Hercules, if you want to be precise.

In about 40,000 yearsVoyager 1 will flyby a star called AC +79 3888 in the constellation of Camelopardalis, about 17.6 light-years from the solar system.

Go stargazing now and in the southern night sky you can find the locations of NASA's Voyager 1, Pioneer 11 and New HorizonsSkySafari/Jamie Carter

Where is New Horizons?

Launch date: January 2006

Constellation: Sagittarius

Best time to see Sagittarius: July and August (but still visible in October)

The nuclear-powered New Horizons – the fastest space probe ever sent into space – photographed the ice volcanoes, glaciers and blue skies of a geologically active Pluto in July 2015. Find bright red Mars in the south, then track west to find Saturn low down in the night sky. Tiny, invisible (to the naked eye) Pluto – and New Horizons – are about halfway between them, slightly closer to Saturn.

New Horizons is now on its way to a flyby of a Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) in the outer solar system – 2014 MU69 – on January 1, 2019. You can follow its progress here.

Where is Pioneer 11?

Launch date: April 1973

Constellation: Scutum

Best time to see Scutum:July and August (but still visible in October)

After photographing Jupiter's Great Red Spot and getting the first close-ups of Saturn, Pioneer 11 headed out to the edge of the solar system in the direction of the constellation of Scutum in the rich star-fields over the center of the Milky Way. The last communication with Pioneer 11 was in 1995. It's just below Altair, one of the three bright stars in the Summer Triangle.

The location of Pioneer 10 is best found late at night in October from the northern hemisphere, or at anytime during its winterStellarium/Jamie Carter

Where is Pioneer 10?

Launch date: March 1972

Constellation: Taurus & Auriga

Best time to see Taurus & Auriga: December

It may have been surpassed in the years since, but back in the 1970s, Pioneer 10 was groundbreaking. The first spacecraft to get beyond Mars, it was also the first to get to Jupiter.

You can most easily find its location in the night sky by first looking for two of the brightest and most obvious constellations of winter, the pentagon-shaped Auriga and Taurus the Bull. A bright star called Elnath joins both of those constellations. It's one of the five stars of Auriga, but also marks the tip of the northern horn of Taurus the Bull. It's also just above the Crab Nebula (M1), a supernova remnant and favored sight of amateur astronomers. Pioneer 10 is heading for Aldebaran, the red star and eye of Taurus, which is 68 light years distant. It will arrive in a couple million years.

Where is Voyager 2?

Launch date: August 1977

Constellation: Pavo

Best time to see Pavo: August (southern hemisphere)

Launching slightly before Voyager 1, in 1977, Voyager 2 was the Grand Tour star, photographing Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. As it left the outer solar system, Voyager 2 took the famous Pale Blue Dot image in 1990. However, it's not as far out as Voyager 1, still in the 'heliosheath', a region where the solar wind is slowing down. Sadly, its current location is invisible to northern hemisphere skywatchers. However, its future is not.

In around 40,000 years, Voyager 2 will pass 1.7 light-years from the star Ross 248, and in about 296,000 years, it will pass 4.3 light-years from the bright star Sirius, star you can see all winter long from the northern hemisphere. Follow the stars of Orion's Belt from highest to lowest (roughly right to left), and keep going in the same direction (towards the horizon from the northern hemisphere), and you'll reach Sirius.

Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes


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